Date | Title | Speaker |
27-Aug-2017 | Women in our society | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
20-Aug-2017 | Christians in Multifaith Society | Mr. Peter Prakash |
13-Aug-2017 | True Reflection of Christ | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
02-Jul-2017 | Discipleship as Witness | Mr. DGP. Clarence |
25-Jun-2017 | Spirituality of the Youth in the Contemporary World | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
18-Jun-2017 | Wisdom and Knowledge: Gift of God | Mr. Raja Manickam |
11-Jun-2017 | We believe in the Triune God | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
04-Jun-2017 | Come Holy Spirit Transform the Whole Creation | Mr. Joseph Stephen |
07-Aug-2016 | Giving without Counting the Cost | Mr. Vedha Arul Simon |
24-Jul-2016 | Marriage: Lasting Life of Love | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
17-Jul-2016 | Fragrance of Christ Ordained Ministry | Dr. Mohan Lal |
05-Jun-2016 | Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom | Dr.Bakthan Thiyabulas |
29-May-2016 | Revelation of God in worship | Mr. Peter Prakash |
15-May-2016 | Come Holy Spirit, set us Free | Rev. Prema Bakthan |
08-May-2016 | Lead by Holy Spirit | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
01-May-2016 | Mission with Christ’s Spirit | Mr. Joseph Stephen |
27-Mar-2016 | Resurrection: Celebrating Boundless Transformation | Rev. Arun Gopal |
20-Mar-2016 | Hosanna: Lord Save us | Dr.Bakthan Thiyabulas |
13-Mar-2016 | Cross a New Paradigm to Discipleship | Rev. Victor Manova |
28-Feb-2016 | Acknowledging Faith Beyond Boundaries | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
21-Feb-2016 | Releasing from the Burden of Sin | Mr. Peter Prakash |
14-Feb-2016 | Being without Castes and Marginalized | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
07-Feb-2016 | Lent: A Time of Redemption | Dr. Dhayaalan |
31-Jan-2016 | The Corruption of Creation | Dr. Mohan Lal |
24-Jan-2016 | United in Love | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
17-Jan-2016 | One Body One Baptism | Mr. DGP Clarence |
10-Jan-2016 | Be Holy | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
03-Jan-2016 | Revelation of Salvation | Mr. Raja Manikam |
01-Jan-2016 | Lord is our Rock and Shelter | Rev. Stephen Ajoo |
27-Dec-2015 | Family as God’s Gift | Mr. Peter Prakash |
25-Dec-2015 | Christmas: Finding Space for the Prince of Peace | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
20-Dec-2015 | Rejoice the Lord is Near | Dr. Dhayaalan |
13-Dec-2015 | Waiting Prayerfully for the Coming of the LORD | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
06-Dec-2015 | Word of God-Light to Our Path | Mr. Jacob |
29-Nov-2015 | Happiness In Advent | Mr. Evan Anand |
22-Nov-2015 | Protecting the Girl Child | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
15-Nov-2015 | Light on the Stand Shines | Mr. Raja Manickam |
08-Nov-2015 | Children in the Church | Mr. Jeeva Dass |
01-Nov-2015 | Standing Firm in Faith | Dr. Mohan Lal |
18-Oct-2015 | Differently Abled: Diginity and Dependence | Mr. Peter Prakash |
11-Oct-2015 | The Wisdom of the Elderly | Dr. Sindhya Shakespeare |
04-Oct-2015 | Ministry of Laity | Mr. Joseph Stephen |
27-Sep-2015 | Church of South India Formation Day | Rev. Daniel Meshack |
20-Sep-2015 | My Peace I give to You | Mr. Issac |
13-Sep-2015 | Christian Response to Poverty | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
30-Aug-2015 | Woman: Partners in God’s Liberative Act | Mrs. Beulah Freeman |
23-Aug-2015 | Plurality: Consecrated Life | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
16-Aug-2015 | Plurality: Communal Harmony | Mr. Peter Prakash |
09-Aug-2015 | Plurality: The Goodness of Creation | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
02-Aug-2015 | My Peace I give to you | Mr. Veda Arul Simon |
26-Jul-2015 | Plurality: Common Humanity and Faith Sharing | Rev. PonnRaj |
19-Jul-2015 | Sacrament of Holy Eucarist | Mr. Issac |
12-Jul-2015 | Theological Education: Knowing and doing faith | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
05-Jul-2015 | Gifts of the Holy Spirit and One Mission | Mr. DGP Clarence |
28-Jun-2015 | Ordained Ministry: Marked by the wounds of Christ | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
21-Jun-2015 | People Of God : Salt and Light | Mr. Fransis Deva Kumar |
14-Jun-2015 | Youth In Search Of A Meaningful Life | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
07-Jun-2015 | Wisdom from Above | Mr. JeyaPrakesh |
31-May-2015 | We Worship the Triune God | Mr. Jacob Jebaraj |
24-May-2015 | Come Holy Spirit – Renew us | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
10-May-2015 | Christ’s Invitation to be An Expression of Mission | Mr. Jacob Jebaraj |
03-May-2015 | Resurrection and Belief in Christ | Mr. DGP Clarence |
26-Apr-2015 | Joseph the Carpenter | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
19-Apr-2015 | Identifying Risen LORD in Workplace | Mr. Issac |
12-Apr-2015 | Resisting the Structures of Slavery | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
05-Apr-2015 | Resurrection: Celebrating the Joy Of Salvation | Rev. PonnRaj |
29-Mar-2015 | The Coming Ruler of GOD’s People | Rev. Moses |
22-Mar-2015 | Cross: A New Vision of the Messianic Age | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
15-Mar-2015 | True Worship that Liberates | Mr. Jacob |
08-Mar-2015 | Persistence in Prayer | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
01-Mar-2015 | Following Christ’s Example | Mr. DGP Clarence |
15-Feb-2015 | The Fallenness of Creation | Dr. Mohan Lal |
08-Feb-2015 | Healing and Wholeness | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
18-Jan-2015 | Unity for Justice and Peace | Mr. Peter Prakash |
11-Jan-2015 | Live Worthy of your calling | Rev. PonnRaj |
04-Jan-2015 | Revelation for Liberation | Mr. DGP Clarence |
21-Dec-2014 | Rejoice; The Lord is Near | Rev. Dr. Dhayaalan |
14-Dec-2014 | Waiting Prayerfully for the coming of the Lord | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
30-Nov-2014 | Joyful Expectation of Christ’s Coming | Rev.PonnRaj |
22-Jun-2014 | Spirituality in the age of Technology | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
15-Jun-2014 | Worship the Truine God | Rev. Mr. Clarence |
08-Jun-2014 | Come Holy Spirit, Transform Us | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
01-Jun-2014 | Wisdom and Knowledge – Gifts of God | Dr. Dhayaalan |
25-May-2014 | Renewal for Mission | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
18-May-2014 | Jesus: The Way, The Truth and the Life | Mrs. Sheela Rajakumar |
11-May-2014 | Jesus: The Light of the World – Walking in the Light | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
20-Apr-2014 | Christ’s Resurrection : Celebration of Life | Rev. E. W. Christopher |
13-Apr-2014 | Hosanna! Save us O Lord – Jesus Enters Jerusalem | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
06-Apr-2014 | Cross and the Suffering Humanity | Mr. Robert William Palraj |
30-Mar-2014 | New Community in Christ | Mr. Peter Prakash |
23-Mar-2014 | Qualities of Discipleship | Dr. Muralidhar |
16-Mar-2014 | Faith in Christ | Mr. Deva Arul Simon |
09-Mar-2014 | Cleansing Power of Christ | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
02-Mar-2014 | Restoration and Redemption | Mr. Kanakaraj |
23-Feb-2014 | Human Failures and Forgiveness | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
16-Feb-2014 | Stewardship of Creation | Mr. Nobel Solomon |
09-Feb-2014 @ 5 PM (1st Stone Laying) | Psalm 23 | Rt. Rev. Dr. V. Devasahayam (Bishop in Madras) |
09-Feb-2014 | Divine Healing | Mr. Peter Prakash |
26-Jan-2014 | Rights and Welfare of the People | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
19-Jan-2014 | Transgenders are Gods Children too | Mr. Edwin Sam |
12-Jan-2014 | Enrichment of Life through Christ | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
05-Jan-2014 | Manifestation of Christ | Mr. Rajamanickam |
01-Jan-2014 | New Year – Lord is our Rock and Shelter | Rev. Clement J Rajan |
31-Dec-2013 | Old Year | Rev. Clement J Rajan |
29-Dec-2013 | Affection and Togetherness in the Family | Mr. Evan Anand |
25-Dec-2013 | Rejoice and Worship the Prince of Peace | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
22-Dec-2013 | Joy of Christ Coming | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
15-Dec-2013 | Lord Amoung Us : Realized Kingdom | Mr. Kanagaraj (Missionary) |
08-Dec-2013 | The word of God – Hope for the World | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
01-Dec-2013 | Gospel of the Kingdom | Mr. Joseph Stephen |
03-Nov-2013 | One Shepherd One Flock | Mr. Noble Solomon |
20-Oct-2013 | Redemption | Mr. Veda Arul Simon |
13-Oct-2013 | Care of the Aged | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
06-Oct-2013 | In the world not of the world | Mr. Jacob |
29-Sep-2013 | United in Service – CSI Day | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
22-Sep-2013 | Christian Character | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
15-Sep-2013 | Ministry of the Laity : Priesthood of all Believers | Mr. Jefferson Christopher |
08-Sep-2013 | Harvest Festival – Submission | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
01-Sep-2013 | Grow in the divine knowledge | Rev. G. Ponnuraj |
25-Aug-2013 | Women: Partners in God’s Liberative Acts | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
18-Aug-2013 | Nurturing Gospel Values | Mrs. Merlin Metilda |
11-Aug-2013 | Eucharist as a Sacrament | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
28-Jul-2013 | Pastoral Ministry | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
21-Jul-2013 | Community in God’s Kingdom | Mr. J.Nobel Solomon |
14-Jul-2013 | Mission – Social Responsibility of the Church | Rev.Dr.Jebaraj Samuel |
07-Jul-2013 | Christian Giving | Mr.Kanagaraj (Diocese Missionary) |
30-Jun-2013 | Youth : Sign of Revival & Promise | Dr.Ayyadurai |
23-Jun-2013 | Witness through Suffering | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
16-Jun-2013 | Life in the Spirit | Mr. Ponraj (ICGM) |
09-Jun-2013 | Protection of God’s Creation | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
02-Jun-2013 | Knowledge of God is true wisdom | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
26-May-2013 | Trinitarian Experience of God | Rt. Rev. Daniel Chelliah |
19-May-2013 | Holy Spirit the gift of God | Mr. Simson Kornelius |
12-May-2013 | Sing to the Lord | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
05-May-2013 | Shepherding the people of God | Mr. Raja Paul (Gideons International) |
28-Apr-2013 | Jesus the Lord of life | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
21-Apr-2013 | Leading from darkness to light | Dr. Seenivasan |
14-Apr-2013 | Journey with Christ | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
07-Apr-2013 | Acknowledgement of Christ as Lord | R. Veda Arul Simon |
EASTER SUNDAY | Christ’s Resurrection : Celebration of Salvation | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
28-Mar-2013 | Eucharist: The Great Thanks Giving | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
24-Mar-2013 | The coming rule of God’s people | Rev. Abinath Selvakumar |
17-Mar-2013 | The Cross and the Church | Mr.Koilpillai |
10-Mar-2013 | Transformation of Structures in Society | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
03-Mar-2013 | Faith and Culture : Change for Good | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
01-Mar-2013 | Why are you bothering this woman? | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
24-Feb-2013 | Human Relationship based on Trust | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
22-Feb-2013 | Who is my Mother? Who is my Brother? | J.Nobel Solomon |
17-Feb-2013 | Materialism and Spirituality | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
10-Feb-2013 | Healing Ministry of the people of God | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
03-Feb-2013 | The Fall of Man | J.Nobel Solomon |
27-Jan-2013 | Creation: From Chaos to Order | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
06-Jan-2013 | Christ Draws all Nations to Himself | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
01-Jan-2013 | New Year Service | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
25-Dec-2012 | The Mystery of Christmas | Rev. Jacob Jebaraj |
23-Dec-2012 | Maranatha – Come Lord Jesus | Rt. Rev. Daniel Chelliah |
16-Dec-2012 | Repentance | Rt. Rev. Daniel Chelliah |
09-Dec-2012 | Bible Sunday | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
02-Dec-2012 | Celebrating the Good News | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |
25-Nov-2012 | Elimination of Violence against Women | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
18-Nov-2012 | Protecting the Girl Child in the Society | J. Nobel Solomon |
11-Nov-2012 | United in Mission | Rev. J. Raja Freeman |
04-Nov-2012 | Christian Education | Rev. Stephen Premkumar |